Panel from my fondest dreams--err, from Immortal Iron Fist 9# . Consumer tip: Victory wenches are much better than defeat wenches.
Any story that features a composite sketch of a murder suspect, and that supsect is the Watcher, well, that just makes me giggle with glee.
Shady looking character from the Vanguard story in Marvel Comics Presents #1, by Guggenheim and Wilkins.
Yo, Jedi Knight, let's kick it!
Mace, Mace baby
Mace, Mace baby
All right STOP! Meditate and listen
Mace is back with a brand new invention
Dark Side grabs ahold of me tightly
Flow like a light saber daily and nightly
Will it ever stop? Yo, I don't know
Turn off the lights and I'll glow
To the extreme I rock the Sith like a vandal
Light up the stage I wax a Fett like a candle
Mace Mace baby
Mace Mace baby
Oh my God. You mean Eclipso is back? How could we ever have known? What. a. shocker. Oh, wait, no it's not, THE AD IN THE VERY CENTER OF THIS ISSUE ALREADY TOLD US, you putzes!!
Deep breaths, Brian, deep breaths.....
As I said, maybe Dini et. al. didn't know DC would be blowing the so-called surprise. Then again, they've been doing it for months, so it's hard to credit that. So we're left with these options:
*Dini et. al. didn't know the shock ending was spoilt, and nobody in DC editorial bothered to say, "Um, guys, this really isn't going to be a surprise...maybe you can punch up a slightly different ending."
*DC editorial didn't know Dini was going to end the issue that way (given the state of editing at DC these days, it's pretty certain editors aren't even reading a lot of the books before they go to press...).
*Everybody knew, but didn't give a hairy rat-fart about whether the ending worked or not. Countdown has become the Contractual Obligation Album of comic book series. We know it doesn't work, we're not even going to try, but the contracts have been signed and we have to finish this, so let's just do it with as little effort as possible. Seriously. If this series were so important to DC, they would have taken the same care to avoid spoiling the end of this issue as they did the Arrow/Canary Wedding Special. Yeah, that wasn't great, but at least they cared enough not to give away the surprise twists in all the ads and advanced solicitations. With Countdown, they just didn't give a damn, and disrespected the story and the fans.
It's bad enough that absolutely nothing happens (and VERY SLOWLY) in this series. But when something finally does happen, it's something they've spoiled themselves months ago. Bravo, DC. Well played.
Who's the black Jedi Knight
That's a force machine to all the chicks?
Ya damn right!
Who is the Jedi that would risk his midi-chlorians
For his brother Jedi?
Can ya dig it?
Who's the cat that won't cop out
When the Dark Side's all about?
Right on!
They say this cat Mace is one baaad mother...
I'm talkin' 'bout Mace!
He's a complicated master
But no one understands him but his Yoda
Are there plans for any comic books where the bad guys win? Shooter: "Are you reading them lately? They win all the time."
Waid then joked, "Iron Man for instance. That would be one."
The fan said, "I thought Iron Man was a good guy." Waid replied, "Yeah, I did too."
You've got to wonder: did Jon Favreau have any idea when he signed on for this that Marvel was about to make Tony Stark one of the most despised "heroes" in the comics world? Did they warn him?
And perhaps the ultimate question: what impact will transforming Iron Man into a murdering, civil right abridging, politically manipulating, arrogant bastard will have on ticket sales among one of the movie's key audiences--the comic readers??
It's really cool they used the song, though.
Wow. The editor just called the guy "dumb." Not just dumb, but emphasized dumb. In a public forum, he dissed a faithful reader.
How dare Alan Williams of Albany, NY write in questioning the accuracy of anything written in Jimmy Olsen?
Who knew Mike Carlin was editing letter columns back then...? DC, holding fans in contempt for 70 years and counting!
On a more personal note, this is my 50th post. Woo hoo! Props to myself for (unexpectedly) having the discipline to actually do this every day. And extra bonus props to those who've been reading, and commenting. I'll keep trying to get better. Now if only DC and marvel would make the same promise...