Friday, October 12, 2018

Dial E For Eternity--Mr. Dingle Was A Vampire?!?

In an episode of the original Twilight Zone titled "Mr. Dingle The Strong," Burgess Meredith portrayed a constantly-bullied milquetoast. As part of an experiment by aliens observers of human behaviors, this little man is given the strength of 500.

What does that have to do with Kid Eternity?

Well, in the very first panel of our story..


Well, it turns out that it wasn't an explosion!

He literally punched the guy so high he ended up in Eternity?!?!?

Nice catch, Kid. But I think you're going to need some help against this guy!

Yusuf Ismail!! Yet another famous boxer or wrestler!!

He does well enough against the henchmen...

But he's got no chance against Puny!

Puny goes on to rob a bank...but the police don't believe it!

So they let him go!! That's the first example of police stupidity in this story!

Meanwhile, Puny eliminates the droog that Kid had saved earlier...

There's a vague implication that this is somehow another manifestation of Puny's powers (as opposed to a gun with a silencer), but it's never followed up...

So how did Puny get so damned strong?


Hey, Puny--beating the crap outta people does not equal "outwitting" them!

And what is he going t\o do with that blood?!?

He makes some sort of "potion" out of human blood to make himself super strong!!

Ironically, it also seems to make him even more bloodthirsty!

Good gosh, the Joker isn't this cavalier with his henchmen!!

Still, gotta keep up with the crime!

Kid overhears, and has to warn the bank!!

Keeper has already met Phidippedes, Kid!! This is the 2nd time you've summoned him!!

Now, far be it from me to critique, Kid...but wouldn't it have been better to just, you know, pick up the phone and warn the bank? I'll grant you, a marathon runner is faster than I am, but there still must be quicker, more efficient ways to warn the bank!

While Phidippides ambles off, Kid gets captured!

Horatius Cocles!

See, that's the idea. Don't just call strong people, call people with weapons!!

Still, Puny and company get away. Meanwhile, Cop stupidity is on the rise in this city..

Man; The bank is abou to be robbed!
Cop: Put on some clothes!!

Since the police are no help, Kid calls...

Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer!! And he knows his stuff!


Are these the worst cops ever, or what?

Puny beats up Kid (again), and takes him hostage!

Man, this story is getting ghoulish! Keeping captives to serve as living blood banks? Ewww!!

Kid escapes this fate worse than death, and has one gambit left:

Samson! This is your 3rd appearance!!

Surprisingly, Samson will use his brains, and not his brwan, to defeat Puny!

He tricks Puny into taking out a load-bearing wall?!?!?

That...makes no sense, Kid...

This was the 64th Kid Eternity story, and we had a lotta summoning this time. So our standing are:

Abu 1
Achilles 4
Adam 1
Antony, Marc 2
Apollo 1
Aramis 2
Arnold, Benedict 1
Arthur, King 2
Astor, John Jacob 1
Athos 2
Atlas 3
Attila The Hun 1
Attucks, Crispin 1
Baker, Lafayette 1
Barry's father 1
Barton, Clara 1
Bernhardt, Sarah 1
Bertillon, Alphonse 2
Blackhawk 1
Bloodhounds (Legree's) 1
Bluebeard 1
Bolivar, Simon 1
Boone, Daniel 1
Bowie, Jim 1
Boyd, Belle 1
Brady, Diamond Jim 1
Breitbart, Zishe 1
British Tank crew 1
Bucephalus 2
Bunyan, Paul 3
Byron, George Gordon 2
Caesar, Octavian 1
Cagliostro, Alessandro 1
Calhoun, John C. 1
Canary, Martha “Calamity” 1
Cannon, John W. 1
Capulet, Juliet 1
Carden, Foster 1
Carpenter, Daniel 1
Cave Man 1
Cherry Sisters 1
Christian, Fletcher 1
Clancy, Patrick 1
Cleopatra 1
Cody, “Buffalo” Bill 2
Colt, Samuel 1
Columbus, Christopher 2
Corbett, Jim 3
Corcoran, Peter 1
Crockett, Davy 1
Cronson, Gerald 1
Crusoe, Robinson 1
Custer, George Armstrong 1
D'artagnan 2
d'Aubigny. Julie 1
Davis, Richard Harding 1
de Bergerac, Cyrano 2
de Leon, Ponce 1
de Rais, Gilles 1
Decatur, Stephen 1
Discus Thrower 1
Dockstader, Lew 1
Dracula 1
Drake, Sir Francis 1
Dupin, C. Auguste 1
Edison, Thomas 1
Emery 1
Ericson, Leif 2
Fagin 1
Fairbanks, Douglas Sr. 1
Faraday, Michael 1
Fink, Mike 1
Frankenstein's Monster 1
Franklin, Ben 1
Galahad 1
Geronimo 2
Goliath 1
Gotch, Frank 1
Gothicus, Claudius 1
Grant, Ulysses S. 1
Graymalkin 1
Greb, Harry 1
Griffiths, Albert 1
Gulliver, Lemuel 1
Hamilton, Alexander 1
Hatfield, John 1
Hathorne, John 1
Hauser, Kaspar 1
Henry, Patrick 1
Hercules 2
Hermann, Alexander 1
Hickathrift, Tom 1
Hickok, Wild Bill 1
Hippocrates 1
Hodges, Joe 1
Holmes, Sherlock 4
Hopkins, Matthew 1
Horatius Cocles 1
Houdini, Harry 3
Houston, Sam 1
Hyde, Edward 1
Hyer, Tom 1
Ismail, Yusuf 1
Jackson, Andrew 1
James, Jesse 1
Javert 1
Jeffries, Jim 1
Johnson, Martin 1
Jones, John Paul 1
Jove 2
Kamehameha 1
Khan, Genghis 2
Kidd, William 1
Lafayette, General 1
Lancelot 1
Laughing Cavalier 1
Laveran, Charles 1
Leander 3
Lee, Robert E. 1
Legree, Simon 1
Leonidas 2
Light Brigade 1
Lincoln, Abraham 1
Lister, Joseph 2
Marable, Fate 1
Masterson, Bat 1
Mercury 5
Merlin 1
Mesmer, Franz 1
Milo Of Croton 2
Minutemen 1
Mix, Tom 1
Montague, Romeo 1
Montezuma 1
Morgan, Henry 1
Mulgrew, Jason 1
Murphy, Charles 1
Napoleon 1
Nation, Carrie 1
Neanderthal 1
Neptune 1
Nightingale, Florence 1
Noah 1
Nobel, Alfred 1
Nobody 1
North Wind 1
Nostradamus 2
O'Brien, David 1
Oakley, Annie 1
Og 1
Orpheus 1
Osceola 1
Paddock, Charley 1
Pasteur, Louis 1
Penelope 1
Perseus 1
Pheidippides 2
Pied Piper 1
Pinkerton, Allan 1
Plastic Man 1
Pocahontas 1
Porthos 3
Post, Wiley 1
Prometheus 1
Quixote, Don 1
Revere, Paul 1
Richard the LionHeart 1
Rin-Tin-Tin 2
Robespierre, Maximilien 1
Robin Hood 3
Roc 1
Rogers' Rangers 2
Russell, Lillian 1
Rustum 1
Ryan, Paddy 1
Samson 3
Sandow, Eugen 1
Sayers, Tom 1
Schleyer, Johann 1
Serra, Junipero 1
Siegfried 1
Silver, Long John 2
Skunk, Jimmy 1
Socrates 1
Solomon 1
Stanley, Henry 1
Steinmetz, Charles 1
Stogie 1
Sullivan, John L. 2
Tecumseh 1
Tell, William 1
Thalfi 1
Thor 3
Thumb, Tom 1
Thurston, Howard 1
Tiglath IV 1
Tuck, Friar 1
Tut-ankh-amen 1
Twain, Mark 1
Ulysses 1
Uncas 1
Vercingetorix 1
Villa, Pancho 1
Villon, Francois 1
Vulcan 1
Washington, George 3
Watson, John H 1
Webster, Daniel 2
Whittington, Richard 1
Xanthippe 1
Zbyzko, Stanislaus 1

NEXT--More murders in the Canadian woods!! More Mounties!!

From Hit Comics #53 (1948)

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