We all know Galactus, Devourer Of Worlds.
And many of you know Sinistar, the greatest video game of the early 1980s.
Well, these have, on some level, a pretty strong similarity. To wit, compare and contrast this...


Now, you know what would be cool? If someone more computerly than I could hack Sinistar, and put Galactus' face on the bugger.
I'm not looking for some photoshop job--hell, I could do that myself (albeit badly).
Nope, I want to actually PLAY the game Sinistar, but against Galactus' head instead of Sinistar's.
The prize for whomever accomplishes this? Undying nerd worship from both comic nerds AND video game nerds.
Go to it, code monkeys--FLY, FLY!!!
(editor's note--snell doesn't really expect this to come to anything. But a boy's gotta dream, right?)
A friend sent me a link for your blog, and I decided to take you up on your mission.
That is a very tightly cropped screenshot. It's currently playable, but unfinished. I hope to have everything in the first level finished in a week or two.
(Of course, now that I've said that, a meteor should crash into my house at any moment.)
If you'd like me to send you a beta when I get to that point, drop me a line at neal@fantasticpulp.com, and I'll figure out a way to get it to you.
Anyway, thanks for the idea, and take care!
one world....gay-lac-tus
Well, damn.
Did Neal complete this? Is it out there? Did you feature it in a later post? I don't remember!
Oh, the suspense...
Wow, this specific page is still up. :)
Hi, Neal here. Uhm, I got a first level pretty much complete, then lost a good chunk of the code in a hard drive crash (at least it wasn't a meteor). That kinda kneecapped the project. However, I was just reminiscing about this to a friend and was thinking of going back to try to re-construct it (and then finish it).
I realize it's years later, but figured I'd just mention it here because someone did ask.
For the record, here's where I was at when everything blew up:
- Title screen
- Intro screen
- Asteroids, which you could shoot, or which could be mined by...
- Galactus Drones, which would mine resources, reproduce, attack in swarms, and eventually construct...
- The big ol' Galactus head. The goal was to blast away parts until you got to the core.
Never quite got to the level change, but that would have happened once you blew him up. I realize that a lot of that is pretty non-canonical for Galactus, but I tried to make up with it with audio samples from the Silver Surfer cartoon, and having those square pupils of his follow you around at all times.
Anyway, there's probably still enough code to get it working again. If I can figure it out, I'll put a gameplay video up on YouTube.
Take care!
Once I loaded it in a modern version of Processing, there were some new bugs, but I didn't want to forget about this again. Here it is in all its silliness:
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