Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Something About Mary?

From The Untouchables #3 (a.k.a. Dell #01879-27), a guide to women in Prohibition-Era crime:

Wait...1/2 the women in England were named Mary?!? Really? Man, that would make for some madcap mistaken identity comedies!!

But there were many types of "molls." There's the "help-meet" moll:

There's the "it's all her fault because the dame drove him to crime" moll:

Yes, a dame's "never-ending desire for material things" was a justifiable excuse for a life of mayhem and murder!! No jury would convict a gangster held in such a thrall!!

And finally:

So, gangster moll--there are many viable career paths here for you, ladies!!

BONUS: excitement, Elliot Ness style!!

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