On Earth-51, "our" Donna Troy is fighting an evil Donna Troy from Earth-Who-Gives-A-Damn. And evil Donna loooooves to talk:

Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? B-A-H-L-A-C-T-U-S. Hey, Bahlactus doesn't need to rhyme, bitch!
I apologize, and realize that I might lose my blogger credentials for actually liking 4 panels from Countdown #15. But trust me, the rest of it sucked. Hard. I'm not going soft. Really.
Hee. That one actually is pretty good. The post-knockout put-down really does rock. :)
One head-snapping knockout punch, one kick-ass response to a stupid question(uh, she's you stupid), one awesome scene, no matter what book it's from.
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