The scene: It's the very first appearance of Shang-Chi, who has just figured out that his papa, the insidious Fu Manchu, is really a very very very very evil dude. In classic Bruce Lee fashion, he has worked his way past various guards, and now he must confront Tak, the evil sumo!! Tak is also the cat who crippled Shang's new father figure, Sir Denis Nayland Smith, making this battle a little more personal.
Got that? OK, Jim Starlin, take it away!! First strike to Tak:

You know, if anybody out there reads Chinese, I've always been curious what it is saying in the borders around the fights...drop me a comment.
You know who can ALWAYS snatch the pebble out your hand? Bahlactus, that's who!!
Engelhart and Starlin bring us The Rising and Advancing of a Spirit fighting Fat Bastard in Special Marvel Edition #15, 1973. The comics world would never be the same again...
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