Sunday, September 30, 2018

When The Comics Won't Come To Man-Mountain Marko...

You know who doesn't get nearly enough respect?

Man-Mountain Marko, that's who.

He's big, he's strong--super-humanly so, he can fight Spider-Man--or Spider-Man 2099!!--to a stand-still, he's got ins with the Maggia and the Hand, and his name is freaking MAN-MOUNTAIN MARKO!!

As if we needed more bonus, well, we have three important bonus factors:

1) Man-Mountain Marko loooooves to refer to himself in the third person:

2) Man-Mountain Marko starred in his own Hostess ad (which Spider-Man rudely intruded on):

3) Perhaps most importantly: Man-Mountain Marko had a cousin named, and I am not making this up, Man-Mountain Mario.

Yes, Man-Mountain Mario.

Which leaves us hope--palpable hope--for a Man-Mountain Luigi. Or even a Man-Mountain Wario. Or, dare I say it aloud, a Man-Mountain Waluigi?!?

But let's not be sexist. I, for one, embrace the concept of a Woman-Mountain Mavis...

From Amazing Spider-Man #73-74 (1969)


dangermash said...

Marlo is to Rosita what The Enforcers were to Ditko.

Random hoodlums turned into something great by the artist. So great that they’ll always be associated with that artist. And yet so naff that they're worse than D listers if anyone else tries to draw them.

dangermash said...

Rosita -> Romita