It's flashback time, as we learn exactly how Mrs. Arbogast became Tony Stark's executive secretary. We join her waiting for her interview in Stark's office. Tony is late, so of course, he's probably off on a drunken binge. Or...
Well, no one ever said Whirlwind was smart...
I'm pretty sure Spacebooger's first job interview went something like that...
Carrie Barre and Steve Ditko bring us the most awesome secret origin ever in Iron Man Annual #11 (1990).
So, really, I don't need to tell you to vote for me this week, right? I mean, the untold origin of Mrs. Arbogast, drawn by Ditko? Who can compete with that? So vote!!
Black bile of my vengeance?!? That is classic. SO SWEARS BLACKWULF!
That would have been so perfect, if only it didn't feature the costume/armour that Whirlwind didn't start to use until years after Ms. Arbogast became Stark's secretary... although even though Ditko is a pencilling God, he sure can't draw those wrist blades, can he?
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