I've made no secret of my belief that
Doctor Druid was clearly
THE WORST AVENGER EVER!!But I'm apparently
not the only one who feels that way. There's a back-up feature in
Avengers West Coast Annual #4 (1989) by
Mark Gruenwald and
Amanda Connor (
!!), where-in
The Wasp and
She-Hulk "
rate the hunkiness" of every male
Avenger ever (up to that point, of course) on a 1 to 10 scale.
Anyway, when they get to Anthony Druid, well, they're pretty darn harsh:

That's worth blowing up. Janet says:

And Jennifer adds:

Ouch. Harsh, ladies!
proof positive: Doctor Druid
was the worst Avenger ever.
Case closed.
Oh, since you're no doubt curious, here's their rankings of the other Avengers, with the Wasp's opinion denoted by a
W and She-Hulk's by an
Thor: W 10, S 10 (Jan: "Godhunk of Thunder")
Iron Man: W 9, S 7 (but Jan knows what he looks like under the mask, Jennifer doesn't...)
Captain America: W 10, S 8 (Jan: "Human beings can't get any yummier than him")
Quicksilver: W 6, S 4 (Jan: "A real
Sean Penn type")
Hawkeye: W 8, S 6 (She-Hulk: "He's got a cute tush")
Hercules: W 7, S 10 (She-Hulk: "Herc is even hunkier than Thor, and he really knows how to party!")
Black Panther: W 9, S 8 (Jan: "Talk about animal magnetism!")
Vision: W 3, S 1 (She-Hulk: "Toasters are fine, but who'd ever want to marry one?")
Black Knight: W 7, S 5 (She-Hulk: "A bit of a stiff.")
Falcon: W 7, S 5 (Jan: "He's got a subtle coolness.")
Wonder Man: W 8, S 7 (She-Hulk: "Those eyes of his really turn me off!")
Starfox: W 8, S 6 (She-Hulk: "You never know if you like him as much as you think you do, or if he's manipulating you.")
Namor: W 6, S 8 (She-Hulk: "I wish the rest of the Avengers had his taste in costumes!")
Reed Richards: W 9, S 4 (Wasp: "I've always had a thing for brainy older men who smoke pipes")
Gilgamesh: W 7, S 7 (Wasp: "He has to do something about that silly name and his taste in clothes.")
U.S. Agent: W 3, S 5 (Wasp: "There's something off about him...")
Quasar: W 6, S 6 (She-Hulk: "Younger guys may be
Cher's cup of tea, but not mine.")
They don't rate the
Swordsman because he's dead...they don't do
Hank Pym because Jan would feel weird rating him, and ditto for Jennifer not rating her cousin the
Hulk. That's everybody, so...
Hey, wait a minute!! Where the hell is
Hank McCoy?? Where is the
Beast!?! What, you ladies can't rate
his hunkiness? Why not? What's going on here?!? Nobody better let
Bully know about this egregious oversight!! (And
please, no furries jokes.)
They also skip
Moon Knight, but, you know,
meh, I've got no problem with that...