I'm back, and badder, than ever!!
After being the bad kind of illin', I'm all about the cool kind of illin' this week, as we present the Battle In Seattle:
And our musical accompaniment? My good friends...The Jonas Brothers!!
He's cool, he's hot like a frozen sun.
He's young and fast, he's the chosen one.
People, we're not bragging,
He's the American Dragon.
He's gonna stop these enemies with his dragon power,
Dragon teeth, dragon tail, burning dragon fire,
A real live wire!
American Dragon,
American Dragon,
He's the American Dragon, (break down with the dragon! )
His skills are getting faster with Grandpa the Master,
His destiny will walk up streets, showtime, baby, for the legacy!
Sad to say, though, that despite what the Jonas Brothers say, Fin can't stand up to Iron Man PLUS a battery of missiles...

Here's the video, for you completists...
And yes, the song works, because Fin is occupying the body of an American kid (seriously). Spacebooger is down with that...why not you?
Stuff from Invincible Iron Man #17 (1999). Full credits and fuller discussion of the issue below.
So, yeah, it's Iron Man:
Our creators:
Busiek wrote the first dozen issues of the relaunched Iron Man, and then co-plotted with Roger Stern. So the book had a fairly good coordination with Busiek's Avengers. Warbird was hanging around with Stark as a supporting player, learning how to be an alcoholic hero. As an extra bonus, we no longer had to deal with the child Tony Stark, or the strange armor where Iron Man was carrying around a steam calliope on his back:
No real subplots this issue, though. Just dragon smashing action. Oh, yeah, and no matter what the era...

Tony Stark is a dickweed...
Thor #12. Thor and the Destroyer fighting some dudes. Sorry, that's all I've got.
After being the bad kind of illin', I'm all about the cool kind of illin' this week, as we present the Battle In Seattle:
And our musical accompaniment? My good friends...The Jonas Brothers!!
He's young and fast, he's the chosen one.
He's the American Dragon.
Dragon teeth, dragon tail, burning dragon fire,
A real live wire!
American Dragon,
He's the American Dragon, (break down with the dragon! )
His destiny will walk up streets, showtime, baby, for the legacy!
Sad to say, though, that despite what the Jonas Brothers say, Fin can't stand up to Iron Man PLUS a battery of missiles...
And yes, the song works, because Fin is occupying the body of an American kid (seriously). Spacebooger is down with that...why not you?
Stuff from Invincible Iron Man #17 (1999). Full credits and fuller discussion of the issue below.
So, yeah, it's Iron Man:

You know, it's odd, but Fin Fang Foom, no matter what, is awesome. Fin Fang Four, Nextwave, Simonson Thor...
All different, all awesome.
Fing Fang Foom remains one of the craziest, greatest comic creations ever.
Great find, Snell. And the Jonas Brothers . . . another Google gift or did you actually know about this one?
Oh. And, yeah, Tony Stark's an ass. Marvel's never made me hate a character so much. I really liked Iron Man comics up to a point. I always wondered why they did this.
Because they're evil.
Sad that the only comic I had in the 1999 offerings didn't get the full treatment. Plus, it's Iron Man and until Not-So-Civil War came around he was my favorite Marvel hero. Then they went and devolved Darkhawk to really stick it to me. :(
Where are his panties?
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