Last Saturday at MegaCon, Dan DiDio said (please note, this is apparently not a direct quote, but the article's summary of his statement) that Gotham City Sirens will feature the first “in continuity” Harley Quinn and will be written by Paul Dini.
Really? The first "in continuity" Harley Quinn? So the official DC line is now that Countdown never happened? Granted, that's probably for the best at this point...after all, we're still waiting for those "Challengers of the Unknown" to actually do something (snort). Still, it's kind of amazing, given all the fanfare DC put into that pathetic series, for declaring it "the spine" of the DC Universe, that DiDio can blithely say it's not in continuity...
And Harley's appearance during Dini's run on Detective Comics...not in continuity?? Really?
Perhaps next Dan can direct me to where I apply for a refund...

Perhaps next Dan can direct me to where I apply for a refund...
As much as I would like Countdown not to have existed, any chance Sirens simply features her first CHRONOLOGICAL continuity appearance?
Incidentally, there's a perfectly fine in-continuity reason for the new "Challengers" to be irrelevant. Their raison d'etre was to "Monitor the Monitors," so to speak. But after Final Crisis, the Monitors themselves are all gone, so the Challengers can just go back to whatever else they were doing....
At this point, it's like Didio's shell game is now being played with completely transparent shells. It's kind of a "Yeah...I'm just making it up as I go along. What's your point?"
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