Questions, I have questions...
A) Man, if
Bendis really wanted to write
Thunderbolts stories
that badly, why the hell not just
write Thunderbolts? Why drag
Norman Osborn et al into a whole new and unnecessary
Avengers book???
B) Why the elaborate charade?
Remember, the
premise is, the public saw Osborn being a hero against the
Skrulls, and the public clamor caused the president to put him in charge of
H.A.M.M.E.R. and the
Well, the
rest of the Thunderbolts team was there too, right?
Moonstone was there,
Bullseye was there,
Venom was there. They fought and killed Skrulls live on TV. Wouldn't
they then be regarded as heroes, just as much as Osborn?
why the pretend game? Why pretend Moonstone is
Ms. Marvel, or Bullseye is
Hawkeye, or Venom is
Spider-Man? Why would the public accept Osborn as the
Iron Patriot, but not the rest of his team??
C) Spider-Man.
Let's check in with
Peter Parker, and see what's up in his life.

Oh, right. He's wanted for suspicion of being the "
Spider Tracer" serial killer. The police are
shooting to kill on sight. The general public believes he's a killer, and is
frightened to death of him.
So having Venom disguise himself as a perceived serial killer is an advantage
Yet, in the very same city, here's the press and the public,
wildly cheering for the man identified as Spider-Man.

So, the police and the people and the papers (especially the
DB!!) have
magically forgotten their vendetta against Spidey
Or has Osborn somehow pardoned Spider-Man, and the message just hasn't gotten through to the NYPD yet?? So instead of tweaking Spider-Man, he's actually
doing him a favor?? And we can expect to Peter Parker receive some of this love in his own mag??
more likely, is it that Bendis
just doesn't give a damn what's going on in anybody else's books? That he
can't be bothered to have his charade make sense because, dammit, he wants Venom to be an Avenger, and the storyline in
Amazing Spider-Man can just go
frell itself?!?
D) Ares and the
Look, Bendis
clearly has some deep liking for these characters, as they're the only ones he kept around from Mighty. But in heaven's name,
why?!? In the Sentry's stint in New and Mighty Avengers, and Ares' in Mighty, have either one of them done anything
even remotely interesting, or even memorable?!? If you like these guys so much, Bendis, why the hell don't you have them actually
do something?!?
So what does the first real event of
Purple Reign give us?
Gussied up Thunderbolts, used in ways that make no sense, and a 7-page preview of
Secret Warriors that had
ALREADY been run in the
Dark Reign: New Nation special. There's $3.99
well spent.
I guess it
really is a dark reign...
Clips from Amazing Spider-Man 584 and Dork Avengers #1