Apparently, kids in the 1970s didn't have enough homework...because all they did was think up clothing designs for superheroes and mail them in. Which brings us to Superman Family #174 (Dec/Jan 75-76)...because as long as people would keep sending them in, DC would keep printing them:
Let's take a closer look. The first three sets are by the team of Jean Leiser (Age 19 3/4) and Elizabeth "Liz" Harllee (age 18 1/2). Ladies, a note: once you reach adulthood, you should probably stop listing fractional years in your ages, because, well, adults don't do that.
First up have...oh, dear, isn't a skirt supposed to go all the way around? Or is that just a red butt towel for her, like NFL centers have?
Next up, we have to note that Supergirl is either playing coy, or is just too embarrassed to face us in this outfit.
You know, if Supergirl ever showed up during the Mike Grell days in the Legion, I can see her in these:
Our final entry is by Scott Cassman, apparently envisioning Kara in the Mod Squad:
In case you can't read it, the "captions" behind her say, "This costume isn't actually practical, but it sure looks nice." You have to love a designer who critiques his own work...

First up have...oh, dear, isn't a skirt supposed to go all the way around? Or is that just a red butt towel for her, like NFL centers have?

The last one doesn't seem that impractical, especially compared to some of the others...
The flare boots in the Scott Cassman design might look really cool on a flying character, which of course Supergirl is.
(Not a million miles removed from Dave Cockrum's original design for Wildfire in the LSH, where the flaring boot cuffs were an integral part of the character's visual as he flew, suggesting the exhaust pipes of a rocket.)
That one with Kara facing away reminds me of the Super-Lois costume from All-Star Superman!
I truly miss this sort of thing. And while I suppose the twin forces of continuity and trademark law work against it, I'd love to see her wearing all sorts of different outfits all the time - some of which are *awful*.
She's a teenage girl, and how many girls like wearing the same outfit all the time? And she's creative, so I could see her making lots of new outfits, some worse than others.
Oh, I suppose she'd need to use one "baseline" Supergirl costume for formal occasions, Justice League Picture Day, and the like, but if I were doing it, people would buy *Supergirl* every month partially on the suspense factor of "So what did she come up with *this* month?"
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