The back cover to Avengers #167, (1978):
O....K....You know, this comic has been in my collection for 30 years now, and you'd think I would remember a cover like this, but I had absolutely no memory of this. Let's take a closer look:

Well, isn't that special??
Not to stereotype, but were 1978 Avengers readers really the audience they were looking for??

Not to stereotype, but were 1978 Avengers readers really the audience they were looking for??
1 comment:
I love the elliptical pause as she considers whether daddy should be blessed or not. And am I the only one who finds the description more than a trifle skeevy? "dressed in a silken, nylon nightie", "under her nightie", "hands and head are soft washable vinyl", "her beautiful lifelike hair", "her delightful voice" comes from "in her tummy"? And the capper: "Money back refund if you (and your favorite little girl) are not perfectly delighted." Who is this "you" they speak of who is buying praying dolls in realistic nighties for their favorite little girl? Who was this ad aimed at? Chester the Molester?
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