But you know what? This made me laugh, and given my week, that's enough.
As is his wont, Archie Andrews hops aboard a decades-old fad:



And, inevitably...

Spacebooger appreciates the slapstick buffoonery of those Riverdale kids...
Childhood hobbies cause havoc in Archie's Pals 'N' Gals #82 (1973). Sadly, GCD has no credits available for this issue, and I'm not enough of an Archie expert to safely hazard a guess. Sorry.
Now is the time for you to go and vote, but not for my fight. Why? Lazy, substandard in every way. Vote for someone else this week...
I'm voting for...Reggie!
i am new to here,i glad to see you all!!!
I'm sorry, I fully intended to vote for Archie but once I got there I couldn't vote against Nova. I actually thought your pick was brilliant this week since Midge was always the hot one but I just couldn't. If it had been ANY other selection I would have gone with you. I felt bad so an admission of guilt was in order.
Apologies are never necessary for voting your true feelings, Dan.
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