Fanboy Entitlement Rant:We've been told
ad infinitum that
Avengers vs. X-Men is "the culmination of a ten year story" and that "it's the biggest, most important tal"e they've ever told, and
yada yada yada.
If that were true, you would have thought that they would have been a little more
careful in actually presenting that story.
Let's start with the end of
AvX #1 three weeks ago (scripted by
Bendis, drawn by
Romita Jr).
Cyclops strikes the first blow...
Cap calls out the famous line...

And everyone just
stands around looking pensive...

Fade to black.
Two weeks ago, we get
New Avengers #24's version of what comes next, scripted by the very same Bendis, drawn by
Mike Deodato. Cap calls assemble, and
Red Hulk immediately drill sergeants the Avengers into action:

OK, fair enough. Not far off from what AvX #1 showed us, certainly well within the lines of
dramatic license.
And then
AvX #2 hit last week, scripted by
Jason Aaron and drawn by Romita.
Instead of immediately leaping into action, the Avengers
just stand around chatting. Yup, Cap call "
Avengers Assemble", and they just sit around talking like a Bendis issue of Avengers...

Meanwhile, in the very next panel...

Yup, in
this version, it's the
X-Men making the first major move. To heck with Red Hulk leading them into battle, declaring that life on Earth depended on them beating the X-Men now...they just stayed on the Helicarrier, and the X-Men came to them!
And all the aggression continued to come from the mutant camp..

Look, this isn't minor nitpicking. These are two
mutually exclusive depictions of the same event (and for all I know, the X-Titles showed a third...)! Either the Avengers leaped of the helicarrier into battle the second that Cyclops attacked Cap, or they stood there patiently (hoping for cooler heads to prevail?) while
Colossus came up and smashed their ride and knocked them down to Earth.
Sure, maybe they meant it as a
Rashomon experience. Sure.
It should be noted, these stories all had the
same assistant editor, the
same associate editor, and the
same editor. You'd think that, at a
minimum, they'd be in charge of making sure the stories synched up at least a little bit.
I can picture a
completely fictional version of the editorial meeting with
completely fictional editors going something like this:
ASSISTANT EDITOR: Guys, we've got a problem. Theses two issues tell completely conflicting stories!!
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: And that's a problem how?
ASSISTANT EDITOR: Well, we have to go to Bendis and Aaron, have them change some dialogue, get a few pages redrawn...
ASSISTANT EDITOR: What's so funny?
EDITOR: Dude, we're only editors. They're ARCHITECTS. They outrank us. We can't ask them to change their work for mere considerations of making sense!!
ASSISTANT EDITOR: But the fans will mock us!
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: 99% of them won't notice. And 100% of them will still fork over their money. So there's no problem!
ASSISTANT EDITOR: But we'll look like idiots when it's collected in trade!?!
EDITOR: They'll be collected in separate trades initially, the main AvX and the New Avengers and Avengers etc., so no one will notice. In hardback first. Then paperback. It will be two years before it's all collected together, and by then no one will care.
ASSISTANT EDITOR: But isn't part of our job to make sure this major event, taking place over multiple books, links up? That the story makes sense, and works?
EDITOR: One more time--you DO NOT edit an ARCHITECT. Now don't wake me for this nonsense again!
Maybe in AvX #3, we can get an
AR code of
hologram Axel Alonso explaining these two versions can co-exist...
End of rant.