This is just odd. OK, we know DC wanted to keep the cat in the bag about Flushpoint. But that bag is wide open now. This letter column appears 4 weeks and a day after DC's big announcement, 3 weeks and 5 days after DC announced the new Bat titles and creative line-ups. It ran more than two weeks after the full September solicits were released online. It ran on the same days the new Previews was on shelves. And in the very same book, the DC Nation page reveals the big changes, including that Snyder was moving and that Jock wouldn't be his artist.
The need to lie about what was upcoming was long past, is my point.
And before anyone suggests how long a lead time the letters page might have had, this column has a letter discussing Detective #876, so at most its 2 months old. And while I don't know DC's exact production schedule, or when the issue was sent to the printer, the DC Nation page says that Flushpoint was announced "21 days" ago--which means that page was sent off a week ago, which means they should have been able to go in and edit that letter column to reflect reality sometime in those 21 days.
So why let the blatant deception stand? Maybe DC just doesn't care enough about their letter pages to worry. Or maybe DC *still* hasn't told their letter page editors about Flushpoint--that's how intense the secrecy was!!
Just a picayune point, I know. And besides, come September, the letter pages in most comics will be gone, for at least awhile, since so much of DC's output will be new #1's, and therefore have no letters.
Still, it is annoying that DC has so little respect for the vaunted letter columns (that they trumpeted about so loudly on their return), that they publish deliberate misinformation long after the need for that misinformation has passed. I'm just sayin'.