Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Night Fights--Caveman Style!!

Let's get primitive with this week's Friday Night Fights, shall we?

For reasons best left to DC scholars, Superman has traveled back in time "more than a million years." Unfortunately, "back in this primeval period, Earth's sun is red!" So, no powers, and he can't get home. (You'd think Kal-El would have researched something like that before he traveled back there, but hey--Silver Age.)

Head caveman Guarr isn't pleased with this newcomer...and wants his clothes:

Down goes Superman! Down goes Superman!!

Oh, don't worry, Spacebooger--a Superman robot will come back in time to rescue the boss!!

Otto Binder and Wayne Boring show us that cavemen were actually bigger, stronger and tougher than modern man in Action Comics #350 (1967).

Now, unless you want to read the continuing adventures of Guarr in Action Comics, you really should go and vote for my fight this week. Then, maybe (just maybe!) DC will actually let Superman star in Action Comics!!

1 comment:

Martin Gray said...

Superman really should learn not to go to the extremes of time - that sun always goes red!