Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tales From The Quarter Bin--It Will Be Mine. Oh, Yes, It Will Be Mine!

The hunt is on.

While taking a quick dive through the quarter bin this week, I found this:

Don't worry, I'm not going to savage some evangelical Christian comic book. No, what really caught my eye was the back cover ad:

I've seen most of these before, even own a couple of them. But this fragment caught my eye:

So, engaging in a little internet detective work, and by the good graces of GCD, I found out that snippet was from this:


I have never wanted a comic book so much in my entire life (except for this one).

You'll have to excuse me, because I'm going to be scouring quarter bins for awhile. But I will find it. Oh, yes, I will. And it will be mine...


  1. I read a review of that online somewhere once. It's not as cracky as it sounds.

  2. My imagination is running wild, wait no it isn't, ShadowWingTronix fenced it in.

  3. Yeah it was reviewed on good ol' gone and forgotten a while back:

  4. Not the review I saw (I think I found it through another site, so I wouldn't be able to find it if I tried), but some good points there (I say as a Christian). The review I saw claimed that it was based on a true story, but it actually sounds kind of boring.

  5. I'm glad theotheradamford had the GaF link; I thought it was the late, lamented Ye Olde Comic Blogge. I was close: they covered the Cross and the Switchblade Check it out!

  6. The Silver Age Comics blog recently ran an article about this issue:

  7. Guys, guys...I don't want reviews and articles, i want the actual issue!! It must be mine!!

  8. Snell,

    Well, I'm curious. Have you found it yet?
