Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In Other Words...

So, true fact: when you have no electricity for the better part of three days, and no real access to your comic collection, all because some incompetent nincompoops jackhammered into the wrong section of concrete, it really puts a crimp in your ability to blog.

It's so frustrating, I just want to chuck everything overboard, and go live on the moon or something...

Do you know how much cooler life would be if money were actually kept in bags with big-ass dollar signs?!?Oh, Kara...thank you for making me love again!!

Moon Beagle Boys courtesy of Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures In The 8th Grade #2


  1. I loved the bit about saving the cow.

    Hope your house is fixed soon. :)

  2. It's my new favorite all-ages series.

    Sorry Tiny Titans!
