Monday, January 19, 2009

Manic Monday--Villainous Pick-Up Lines

Hard to believe this made it past the Code:

Oh, Leader, you suave devil...

Samuel Sterns' letter to Penthouse Forum is actually from Incredible Hulk Annual #11 (1982) by Mantlo and Buckler.


  1. The She-Leader? I assume she must have died/been transformed back, as she seems like such a natural choice for She-Hulk villain, no?

  2. Yeah, she was transformed without her knowledge, and didn't take well to the Leader as mate, so she betrayed him, and he shot her dead. Well, as dead as anyone ever is, at least...

  3. Yet more proof that super-villains are required to suffer from narcisism. :-)

  4. Great issue. I forgot all about this issue before you reminded me I need to dig this out of the long boxes again.

  5. so perish all who display ingratitude to the Leader...WITH BULLET
