Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Surprise Ending to Secret Invasion--Revealed

OK, I'm serious this time. Unlike my goof on the "true" secret ending of Batman R.I.P., I think that I've really tumbled onto the actual ending of Marvel's interminable Skrullapalooza.

Yesterday at the Diamond/Alliance Retailer Summit in Las Vegas (why does everyone have a better life than I do??), Bendis unveiled the next Marvel line-wide blockbuster, "Dark Reign." His description:

"The Initiative was kind of like the Cold War," the SECRET INVASION scribe explains, comparing this new push to Initiative branding that followed 2006's Civil War. "There's a war, and then there's a cold war. This was an invasion, and from the invasion, certain people take the hit, certain people rise up as the heroes who you wouldn't expect, and from that comes a new power status in the Marvel Universe that some would consider a dark reign and some would consider heaven. One man's dark reign is another man's 'Finally!'"
So, aside from new books (like Dark Avengers....sigh), what could this mean??

Well, I think maybe Marvel may have let the cat slip out of the bag. Maybe. Check out the November solicit for New Warriors #18:
The future isn’t so bright. Not when Iron Man has taken the Superhuman Registration Act to new heights and imposed his rule over a good chunk of the free world. Super heroes have been outlawed and any hope of resistance has been crushed. And while the New Warriors try to escape this world gone wrong, Night Thrasher takes it upon himself to be the one who just might set things right...
Now, the phrasing could be interpreted to make it sound like the Warriors are doing a Days of Future Past bit, visiting an alternate future. But with this latest news about Dark Reign, I'm not so sure.

What if that New Warrior's story isn't an alternate future, but really the end result of Skrullapalooza? Iron Man decides more power is the best way to prevent Skrull shenanigans, and takes over, completing his transition to Fascist Man? Outlaw superheros, so Skrulls can't pose as them...use S.H.I.E.L.D. and Extremis to extend his power over "a good chunk of the free world?"

That would certainly result in shake-ups of the Avengers teams, including requiring some to be "Dark Avengers." It would certainly be a "new power status in the Marvel Universe that some would consider a dark reign and some would consider heaven."

Wow. If I'm right...if that's the end result of the not-so-Secret Invasion...color me impressed...maybe.


  1. I liked it better when it was called Squadron Supreme.

  2. Ok, let me see if I follow. Joe hates marriage so he wipes out the Spidey marriage from time itself. Brian seems to hate Iron Man, if not all rich people who used to make weapons, so he becomes Doctor Doom (if Doom were actually successful)? And apparently both hate letting the writers of the other comics tell the kinds of stand alone stories their predecessors did and force them to work around the next big event, which also shows they hate people who don't have the money to buy 5000 different titles to follow one story. (Maybe we should all get into the munitions business.)

    This is why I haven't read a Marvel comic that doesn't have "Adventures" or "Power Pack" in the title in the last two years.

  3. No, wait, I did read a few issues of Spider-Man Family and a Free Comic Book day Spider-Man offering, plus those freebie "Saga" things so I wouldn't have to waste my limited comic budget on the disaster area that the Marvel Universe has become.

  4. They're already gearing up for their next major event? It's almost as if Marvel is deliberately trying to keep me away.

  5. What I get if ya wanted to understaned what was happening you needede to buy the tie-ins do they make these major event stories so they can just make tie in then at the end of the mini do quick wrap up, hit the reset button, so noting is realy changed and then they can do it all over again.
