Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nerd Alert

Too busy to do a real post today, because I'm wallowing in Star Trek comics.

Yup, the GitCorp DVD-ROM with EVERY STAR TREK COMIC EVER showed up today (OK, they don't have the X-Men Star Trek crossover. Trust're better off). And when you combine Star Trek with comics, well, it's nerdvana. Check out the table of contents.

That's a lotta Trek...And just to prove they have everything:

Dammit, now I have to hunt down the recordToo bad the soundtrack isn't included. But inside, a moment that makes my skin tingle:

Did you just call me stupid?John Buscema draws Kirk, Conan, and Gandalf...(there are no credits, and all I can find online is that the "writers" are Cary Bates and Neal Adams, and Neal obviously did the cover...but that's gotta be Johhny B on the artwork, right?

One odd moment:

And you guys thought Vixen had it bad...Uhura, you've become white and blond! (If it helps, they made Sulu black...) And what is up with those tights??


  1. Are you sure "Uhura" isn't wearing pants?

    And there has to be a story behind the ethnic changes. Even the Gold Key comics got that right.

  2. Holy...! I've had the record since I was a kid, but never the comic! You can get the soundtrack from Power Records Plaza, though. Neat!

  3. I had the "Crier in the Enterprise" where the crew deals with a being of pure sound. It's actually a pretty good Star Trek story, although I don't understand Uhura and Sulu's race changes, either. They also replaced Checkov with with some other guy named Connors, although I can't pin down his accent.
