Monday, October 29, 2018

Manic Monday Bonus--The Best Argument Against Plastic Surgery!

It seems that we will never, ever get enough of the"underground plastic surgeon altering criminals' faces so the cops can't find them" trope. Batman '89 did it, Kid Eternity stories have done it. Movies and comics and TV shows and pulps and probably narrative poems and operas have been doing it for decades.

Which is maybe kind of nuts, no? I mean, plastic surgery is pretty specialized stuff. I can see that there might be plenty of defrocked general practitioners, or even regular old surgeons, out there, looking to ply their trade on the sly by helping criminals. But even if there are tons of renegade plastic surgeons out there, really, how much demand for them can there be? I'm sure that even the most crime-infested city probably couldn't supply enough potential patients to keep the dissolute plastic surgeon in business. Because really, who wants to change their face?

Anyway, Marko the Magician, with his amazing powers of illusion, knows how to thwarts this scandalous trade in underground face alterations:

"Doctor Alter." Heh.
"Thriving business." I guess i was wrong!


Thank you, Marvo!!

From Lightning Comics V1 #4 (1940)

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