Tuesday, May 8, 2018

That Time The Vision Went On The Tonight Show With Charo And Pee-Wee Herman!

You remember back in the day when John Byrne ruined the Vision, right?

Well, he almost redeemed himself by having the Vision go on Johnny Carson.

See, it turns out that after his transformation, no one recognized our favorite syntheziod:

Gee, a little bit of self-aware commentary there, Mr. Byrne?

Well, the Vision takes that advice to heart...

And, in his logical mind, the best move is...

To interrupt a taping of the Tonight Show!!

And based on the audience reaction...

...yeah, he really does need the PR!

Johnny knows how to roll with the unexpected...

Did I mention Charo was a guest that night?


Well, Vision's TV appearance was no doubt effect, but it also amused the hell out of his teammates:

Reminder: you were only allowed to be on Byrne's West Coast Avengers if you wore red and/or black, or gave up color altogether. No one knows why...

From Avengers Spotlight #23 (1989)

1 comment:

  1. I love that William Shatner is also a guest (in fact the one who gets interrupted) and that Vision quotes from FORBIDDEN PLANET. That's my kinda synthezoid.
