Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Continuing Question: Just How Stupid Is The Absorbing Man?!?

Crusher Creel--just how dopey is he?

He just got to back to Earth, and almost immediately ends up in a tussle with Hulk...

Forgetting about your powers is not the sign of a smart guy...

But, of course, the Absorbing Man isn't terribly bright...

Oh, Crusher, honey...

From Incredible Hulk #125 (1970)


  1. I get the feeling Creel's problem lies not just between his (huge chimpanzee) ears, but also with the fact his powers are almost as inconsistent as the DC multiverse. Not only absorbing any ol' fragile substance, either uncontrollably or without his knowledge, as per previous SMotD entries; but here, having to remain in contact with whatever it is he's trying to mimic.

    I guess you could make the argument that he started absorbing Banner's strength before he realised it, but that doesn't seem to be the case with all that exposition. If it was the case, then there's the thing, mentioned right here in these panels, about him adding absorbed power to whatever he's already got. Shouldn't he then be as strong as the Hulk plus Banner?

    My memory's vague, but wasn't that how he was defeated in his first appearance? He absorbed too much... stuff? That brings up the old question of whether he absorbs materials or just their properties, and my head starts to hurt.

    (I would get a life, but I hear they're even more complicated than this.)

  2. Warren, your head will hurt less if just remember that Creel's powers were a gift from Loki, and therefore magical in nature, and therefore immune to explanation by the dreary physical "scientific" laws of our universe.

    Plus, Creel being bone-stupid and forgetting how to use his powers to best effect no doubt explains any lingering questions.
