Wednesday, November 23, 2016

You Know Who's Still Stupid? The Absorbing Man Is Very Stupid!

OK, maybe we've stumbled upon a series here.

Yesterday we talked about how Crusher Creel is stupider than Jupiter, and despite being practically all-powerful, he always beats himself. He's dumb AND dumber.

Last time, Thor tricked him into turning himself into cardboard buy using a toy hammer instead of Mjolnir. D'oh!!

In his next appearance, let's level the playing field, and match him up against the Incredible-But-Not-Terribly-Bright-Hulk. 

Our battle is taking place at a New York City construction site...

Well, I've got to admit, it's been going very well for Creel so far. He's pretty much kicking Hulk's ass here.


Wait for it...

Oh, Carl...

Tune is later for more episodes of How Stupid Is Crusher Creel?

From Incredible Hulk #209 (1977)


  1. To be fair, if Creel were smart, he'd be practically unbeatable.

    Hey, wouldn't it be cool if he could absorb IQ points as well? "C'mere, Richards!" *SHLUURP* "Thanks for the loan, Leader!" *SHLUURP*

    Hey, wouldn't it be cool if he made a *SHLUURP* sound effect when he absorbed something?

    ... ok, ok, I'll take my medication now.

  2. Oh Carl. Carl Carl Carl.

    (So what happened to all that Hulk power he was absorbing? That wouldn't have have helped him in the fall? Who keeps kicking my shin?)
