Saturday, October 12, 2013

Comics Make me Hungry--Dwarven Repasts

Chapter 28 in the "Comics Make Me Hungry" saga:

Man, if there's one thing Kalamazoo lacks, it's a good dwarf food joint (even if those dark elves don't seem to appreciate it).

From Thor:God Of Thunder #14, which is a title you should be reading. Yes, I know everyone wasn't enthralled with the Godkiller/Godbomb arc, and even I will admit that it did go on a bit long. But hte past 3 issues, Jason Aaron and company have been knocking it out of the park, with some of the best Thor stories on years. Hell, #12 was the best single Thor story I've read since Walt Simonson.

I mean, this arc involves the Nine Worlds putting together a Fellowship-Of-The-Rings-type group to find and kill Malekith the dark elf, and it rocks hard. So go read it.

1 comment:

  1. This has indeed been quite the stellar run on Thor lately.

    Sheesh, Elves are so fussy.
