Thursday, February 23, 2012

Maybe He Should Have Checked Wikipedia First...

Hawkeye's got a problem in Secret Avengers #23.

You see, Captain America is trying to put Flash Thompson, the all-new, all-different Venom on the team. And Clint isn't very happy about it:

True, Hawkeye...Captain America would know absolutely nothing about being "saddled" with former villains on his team...they could never be "assets"...

And you, Hawkeye? You would never, ever, ever want to lead a team that had reformed notorious super villains. That's obvious...

Hmmm...maybe when he's done writing issue-length Hawkeye hissy fits, Rick Remender could read up on a little history of the guy leading the team. (In fairness, I was much happier with Remender's handling of certain other characters...more on that later in the week)

You'd think that with Hawkeye coming up in the Avengers movie, Marvel would want to make him look, you know, heroic and all. But between this and last week's Avenging Spider-Man, there seems instead to be a concerted effort to make Clint Barton into an unlikable, reckless, arrogant, incompetent ass who's neither very good at heroing or at leading teams.

If so, mission accomplished, Marvel.


  1. Plus, he's totally over-exposed. And yet not always in the same costume.

    Marvel's strategy is baffling, especially since no one's going to go see Avengers for Hawkeye.

  2. Lately I've been seeing Hawkeye as a poor man's Guy Gardner...but without the charm.

  3. Girly-man, thy name is Clint Barton.

  4. Isn't this the same Clint Barton whose training of the Busiek/Nicieza Thunderbolts was responsible for the T-Bolts always kicking the Avengers' asses?
