Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Caption Least Likely To Be On A Comic This Week?

From the mists of 1962:

I dare say you shan't see THIS caption on the cover of any of the comics you will purchase today:

Hells, yeah.

Then again...



  1. Maybe by respecting our intelligence they meant that they respected the danger we posed to them and they produced a book intended to make us dumber.

  2. No, no, Nick--it means the respected our intelligence enough to tell us the truth about the Statue Of Liberty coming to life at night to beat up sea creatures. Most others books would think you couldn't handle the truth, and lie to you. Not Amazing Adult Fantasy--they respect your intelligence!!

  3. Oh, is THAT what it was? I thought that they were really Sea Monkeys that had invaded a toy train layout or something.

    Just the Statue of Liberty.

  4. I thought that was Big Ben on the cover - durn!
