Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vladimir And Estragon Work For Marvel

Tom Brevoort tweeted yesterday:

For those who've been asking, yes, JMS is finishing The Twelve. #9 & 10 are done, and Chris is waiting on script from JMS this week.

A) "Waiting on a script from JMS" is the comics version of Waiting For Godot. Surely the script will arrive tomorrow...

B) So, JMS was unable to keep up on Superman and Wonder Woman, but he'll be sending Marvel scripts "this week?" I'm sure DC is very happy about that...

C) I call dibs on February 2012 in the "When will The Twelve #9 actually show up" pool...

1 comment:

  1. A little perspective: I just celebrated my 1st wedding anniversary nearly 3 months ago. THE TWELVE#8 came out months before I was even engaged. As for your points:

    A) It's more like "Waiting For Guffman".

    B) Happy enough to stop fawning over Hollywood creators who treat comics writing like a hobby? NAH!

    C) Snell, Snell, Snell! You just don't have the faith in JMS's timeliness that I do. I say JANUARY 2012.
