Sunday, May 9, 2010

You Kids Get Off My Lawn!!

Well, there's not a lot going on around here today, so I might as well get dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

Follow slaymonstrobot on Twitter

So yeah, I'm doing the Twitter thing. Big whoop, right?

I don't know exactly what I'm doing with it. I'd like it to more more than a fancy new RSS feed announcing new posts, and I'd like it to be more than just a bunch of decentralized Facebook updates.

Plus, as you've all no doubt noticed, I'm a long-winded bastard, and keeping anything I write down to 140 characters is going to be like pulling teeth. (Seriously, Twitter--shorter than a text message? What's up with that??) Especially as I'm old-school enough to refuse to do ridiculous abbreviations like "u" and "r" or "jsyk" or "ymmv" or whatever the hell you kids are substituting for English these days.

I'll figure it out. Or I won't. How's that for non-committal? Maybe I'll re-post my exceptionally-way-too-long Star Trek 11 review, 140 characters at a time...maybe I'll talk about the color of cars that drive by my window.

So, in summary, I'm tweeting, follow if you want. No promises or quantity of quality. Now go "burn" some "rad tunes" onto your "iPods" or whatever it is you kids do these days...


  1. I think I'll stay in the past a while longer, if only because I doubt that (a)I would have anything worth saying and (b)because nobody would follow me anyway. :)

    I just changed my theme...again. That has to count for something. Maybe.

  2. I don't and refuse to text (it's blocked on my phone too)and I won't Twitter...2 very persuasive guys got me on Facebook....(brothers).

  3. Best of luck snell - think I lasted all of a month on Twitter. Like you, I refuse to abbreviate or avoid punctuation so it definitely wasn't for me.
