Monday, May 10, 2010

Manic Monday--ACT IV

By popular demand (well, just because I wanted to, actually), Slay Monstrobot is proud to present the conclusion to the epic battle presented last Friday Night.

To recap: King Leer (yes, that's his name) has kidnapped the gypsy chanteuse girlfriend of Thomas Hewitt Edward Cat, a.k.a. T.H.E. CAT:

Since the comic was based an a 1960s network TV show, our hero had to spend the last quarter of the story avoiding deathtraps, until a final confrontation with the villain.

So, without further ado, Robert Loggia beating the crap out of a fat guy:

...and ends with the pre-credits laugh...

Ha ha ha, kidnapping and attempted rape are "outrageous conduct," the fitting punishment is to "make him look ridiculous," and maybe even deportation!! Oh, you generic European country!! Oh, you wacky 1960s!!

NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE: T.H.E. Cat vs. The Beatnik!!

From T.H.E. Cat #2 (1967)

1 comment:

  1. At first I thought that T.H.E. Cat was the father of the Black Cat. I remember an episode of the Spiderman series where they showed Felicia's father. They have the similar all-black suit. Well it would be interesting to see this guy back in a new storyline today. What do you think?
