Thursday, April 15, 2010

None Of The President's Men

I've ripped on Ben Urich before for being the world's worst reporter--he's sat on more scoops than he's actually published.

Well, it turns out that he was just following the example of his greatest mentor--Jimmy Olsen!!

80 Page Giant #2 (1964) is a collection of Jimmy Olsen stories, and after one of them there's a text piece:

Here's a question for you:

You've had a thousand scoops printed, and you're still a cub reporter? Jimmy, you really need a better agent, or union, or whatever.

Anyhoo, aside from Superman hiding the evidence, or Jimmy having no proof, or Jimmy believing he was being hoaxed so he never turned it in,, that's a long list. Anyway, there's this:

Man, that snarky P.S. could have been written by me, eh? But there it is--Jimmy deciding to hide news because he decides that he, Jimmy Olsen, is uniquely suited to decide what's best for society. That's proto-Ben Urich, right there.

That does raise the question, though, of why Ben Urich didn't choose to emulate a good reporter...

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