Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Love, MODOK Style

The eighties rocked. Just as Pac-Man had his Ms. Pac-Man, so too the 1980's gave us...

A love supreme is the Mental Organism Designed Only for Kuddling sees his new mate:

And now, put on the Barry White, because it's time for Love, MODOK Style (warning...NSFW...if your workplace is filled with hyper-nerds...otherwise, it's probably OK...)

Ewww...I hope MODOK used a brain-condom.

Sadly, as many relationships tend to, this one came to a crashing halt because of irreconcilable differences over effortlessly slaughtering lesser beings:

Heck, who amongst us hasn't had that argument with a partner?

And so, as Ms. MODOK is transformed back into Dr. Katherine Waynesboro, we marvel at the Marvel Science that required AIM to dress her in a yellow bathing suit with high heeled yellow go-go boots in order to conduct this experiment.

Don't worry, though...just because Kate lost the love of one monster, doesn't mean she had to completely give up on monster love:

Thank you, Bill Mantlo, Sal Buscema and Carlos Garzon in Hulk #290 (1983), for making us love again.


  1. They wanted to love each other for their minds, but they just were too darn ugly.

  2. Hold on, WTF. They're doing the Nazi Salute?!
    That just makes me look at my MODOK figure and think "You're a stand-in for Hitler?!" That's just weird. Wow...
