Sunday, March 7, 2010

Some Things Are Worse Than Others

So, you've all probably seen the latest in the series of teaser promos for the new New Avengers series breaking in June:

So...Ben Grimm's going to be an Avenger. Hmmm, should he still be wearing the "4" logo while being an Avenger? Well, Reed and Sue did, so...

And I'm long past objecting to the proposition of heroes being on different teams at the same time (although one has to wonder exactly when Wolverine has time to have any of his solo adventures). So I really have no problem with bashful Benjamin being an Avenger (again).

But wait...this book is going to be written by Bendis. And we've seen what Bendis written-Thing dialogue can be like:

Oh, dear. Dat's going to suck, ain't it? Der is no way dey could do dat to us, is der?

Maybe Ben's missing T-h's will turn up in they same place they're keeping Luke Cage's missing nipples...


  1. I have unfortunately subscribed to FF direct from Marvel. This recent issue had Ben responding to some kind of lecture from Sue by saying, " a rock!" Haw-haw. Johnny bragged about his super hot-girl-dating ability. Half the book had no dialogue which is good since I was spared terrible dialogue, and bad since I don't buy a comic book just for the pictures. I'm waiting for my subscription to run out.

    The series doesn't stink, but it's not really worth reading either. Is this the Heroic Age?

  2. Yeah, Ben Grimm puts family SO first, that he's willing to abandon the Fantastic Four (for all intents and purposes, his family) to hang out with the Avengers.

  3. Nah, Mark, not any more than Wolverine abandoned the X-Men to be in the Avengers. There are two Marvels right now: the ones Bendis writes, and the ones everybody else does. Bendis doesn't give a tinker's damn what anybody else does with his pet characters, so long as he gets to use them; and the feeling is obviously mutual.

  4. It was actually pretty big of Bendis to admit there WAS any such thing as the Fantastic Four...since that takes precious attention away from Spider-Woman, Luke Cage, and Jessica whats-her-name.
