Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Night Fights--Shock The Monkey Style!!

It wasn't that long ago that I did a Friday Night Fights featuring Shang-Chi versus Shockwave...but since this bout's mandate is to show the villains winning, I'd thought I'd go back a little further, to show the first time these two fought...and see Shang get his rising and advancing butt kicked.

Shockwave is Lancaster Sneed, a former MI-6 agent who has gone rogue. He's also the nephew of MI-6 bigwig Sir Denis Nayland Smith. He's also a respectable practitioner of the martial arts.

Oh, yeah, and Fu Manchu gave him a special electrical suit. That's how things rolled in MOKF.

The shiny yellow suit makes Shockwave pretty tough. He hits you, you get a massive electrical shock. You hit him, you get a massive electrical shock. Quite the conundrum. And poor Shang-Chi hasn't yet figured out how to deal with that when they first meet:

Folks, that's a beatdown.

Of course, Spacebooger could have taken on Shockwave, but that's why Marvel insists that he just read their comics, instead of appear in them.

Doug Moench, Paul Gulacy and Tom Sutton show how Electro should have been written from day number 1 in Master Of Kung Fu #42 (1976). Seriously...

Now, VOTE:


  1. actually,that's the late tom sutton on inks

  2. You're right, of course. By fault for trying to do it by memory and getting the names mixed up.
