Monday, September 28, 2009

Manic Monday--In This Corner...

In last week's season debut of The Mentalist (a fine show you should be watching instead of wasting time reading this blog), Patrick Jane asks a comic book nerd question (it's about 1:50 into the clip, for those of you with no patience):

Now obviously, if the guy being questioned had been a real comic book nerd, his response would have been, "Which Green Lantern?"

Still, if would be a interesting battle, eh? So let's set the ground rules. Hal Jordan GL, satellite era, not possessed by Parallax or possessing 42 rings. Don Blake Thor, Bronze Age, not possessing the Odin-Force or any such silliness. No planets with infra-yellow atmosphere, or where uru is magnetic.

Just a stand-up no frills fight. Green Lantern:

versus Thor:

Who wins?

Have at it, people.


  1. I think I'll go with Thor. Godhood and all that.

  2. GL probably has more power diversity (depending on which Thor powers you choose to believe in) but I'm going to give it Thor. He's a god, he's ridiculously strong and powerful, and I even think he has more will than Jordan. That's right, I said it. Now Guy vs Thor? That'd be fun!

  3. I suppose the correct answer is "Whoever the writer chooses to win". :)

    Just to be different I'm going to go with GL. Thor throws mjolnir at GL and Hal either dodges it or lets his forcefield take the blow. Before the hammer can return, GL sticks a force bubble around Thor. A short time later and Thor turns back into Don Blake (assuming that rule is in play). The end.

  4. Even if the Blake rule is not in effect, Thor can't fly without the hammer. Dr. Spectrum did this in the Busiek/Perez Avengers run when there was no Blake rule, and he had Hyperion knocking Thor around pretty good before Wonder Man helped Thor out.

    If Hal can multitask with his ring he can hold the hammer in a bubble while using giant green constructs to beat up on Thor.

    If he can't multitask, then he can just wait for Thor to throw the hammer , open up a space warp in the hammer's path (Thanos did this in INFINITY GAUNTLET), and THEN use the constructs to beat up on Thor.

  5. Make no mistake, this would be a helluva brawl, but at the end of the day I've got to go with the Odinson. Thor has countless centuries of experience behind him, and while Hal might be able to throw a curve ball or two through the medium of his ring, ultimately the god of Thunder would walk away the winner. Now Thor versus Kilowog. . .yikes.

  6. Thor. In addition to his raw power, manipulation of weather, and trans-dimensional abilities, his millennia of fighting experience and battle strategy overshadows Jordan's. Still, it would be a hell of fight

  7. I would think that Mjolnir would easily smash green lantern constructs, the space warp thing is a good trick but. Thor should be on an Apokoliptian power level, the corps is just not tough enough.

  8. A ring that runs on willpower vs a god.

    Thor wins, because if there is one thing gods are good at, it's crushing the will of humans.

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