Thursday, April 9, 2009

Uh-Oh...Don't Tell Batman

So, Superman is facing a coalition of evil:

The night guys at Kinkos must have been fairly baffled when processing that sign order...Yes, this scene actually happens in the comic.

Yes, they actually had that sign. Obviously, being evil doesn't mean you don't know how to delegate.

Yes, these icons of evil apparently believe in democracy, at least when Superman's fate is involved.

But through the usual combination of trickery, deceit, lies, unseen allies, remarkable coincidence, "magic" DC Science, and heaven knows what else, Kal-El defeats the villains:

Sigh...Jimmy had to say 'globule,' didn't he? Now you guys will never behaveThe punch-line?

Superman is SERIOUS about his privacyOh, yes, the old "brainwash the villains into forgetting" bit. And only 40 years before Identity Crisis. And without poor Zatanna and the other Justice Leaguers to blame this time...

Oh, and given the...ahem...mature reaction to yesterday's post about Jimmy "pulling boners," maybe we should all promise to refrain from talking about the "Force-Pearl" necklace. Unless you want to play some ZZTop.

Superman violates criminals inalienable human rights in Jimmy Olsen #87 (1965).

1 comment:

  1. "Tossing off" a pearl necklace.

    I wonder if those creators ever sat back and laughed at the "innocent" stuff they produced?
