Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Just Askin'--Dear Abby??

From Supergirl #34 (which launches the the 29th "new direction" since the character was resurrected):

Ah, Lois, way to put journalistic integrity ahead of personal feelings!
Cat Grant, folks, modeling the new 'Power Girl' line of ridiculously inappropriate work attireSo, the Daily Planet puts "Dear Abby" on the op-ed page? Man, Metropolis is such a cow town...

(and before anybody comments that maybe Cat was just ignorant of where Dear Abby appears in the Planet--Cat is the Planet's "Arts and Entertainment correspondent" ((read the credit for the story on page 1 of the comic)), and since that's where just about every big city paper puts the advice column, she should know if it appears there. So either Cat Grant is so incredibly stupid that she doesn't know what features appear in her own section, or the Daily Planet is a cow town paper that prints Dear Abby on the op-ed page, right next to the garage sales ads and recipes. I report, you decide.)

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