Monday, June 9, 2008

Manic Monday--Yet Another Geography Lesson

From Secret Invasion #1, we see the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, after all Stark tech is zapped, going down over Manhattan:

Going down, Mr. Tyler??From where the thread picks up again, in Secret Invasion #3:

Bendis just had to be cool by sticking that 'Bermuda Triangle' tag there, didn't he?The Bermuda Triangle?" Really?

A map, for reference:

Not all that close to Manhattan...
Hmmmm...sometimes they make it too easy...

Special bonus crankiness:

Haha, it's not a cliche if I call attention to the fact that it's a cliche!!You know, calling attention to the fact that you're using a cliche with a smart-ass remark mocking the cliche doesn't excuse you actually re-using that just means you're a hack trying to use irony and post-modern cynicism to distract your headers while you put out hack work. I'm just sayin'...


  1. You know - on that last bit...
    I still haven't watched past about 25 minutes into Star Trek Beyond because of that crap. I'm really not that interested in a crew so incompetent they can't keep a ship intact. I want to see Starfleet's finest, not their biggest expense drain.
