Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Great and Powerful Morrison

My impression of Grant Morrison answering the questions from the Newsarama interviewer regarding why Final Crisis #1 didn't sync up at all with Countdown or Death of the New Gods:

Newsarama: So. So in essence, you were handed a plate where between Death of the New Gods and Countdown, Orion appeared to have died twice. Picking up with him here, did he wander to the docks from the battle in Countdown #1, or are his terminal injuries from something else?


Newsarama: And so you were left with a handful of continuity issues as result - – why didn’t the Guardians call a 1011 when all the other New Gods died? Why didn’t Superman recount his experiences in Death of the New Gods when he was talking about the New Gods to the JLA? How did the villains capture J’onn? Obviously, if you dealt in all the minutia of every storyline since Identity Crisis or earlier, you’d go nuts – so what was your personal line in the sand that you used in writing Final Crisis in regards to what “mattered” and what didn’t?


I'm just sayin'.


  1. Loved the dig on Morrison's answers. His "I worked on this before Countdown and Death of the New Gods" really got tiresome. Did DC editorial throw up its hands and say, "Screw it, the fanboys'll buy anything"? Or are they truly afraid of pissing off Morrison, the sleeping giant?

  2. Hahaha.

    But as for an answer... I wouldn't put it past Morrison to actually do this on purpose as part of the plot. After all, isn't a Crisis about retconning stuff? Continuity's been mangled, and the universe is sucking at its own wound.

    Bottom line: He's not contradicting anything that I'm at all attached to.
