Friday, November 9, 2007

Kontinuity Kop--Mea Culpa

Blowing the whistle on screwups since Aught 7I'm man enough to admit that what I wrote in this post is apparently wrong. New Avengers: Illuminati #5 blows it up good. Gotta admit, I didn't see that one coming. You have to wonder what his wife thinks...

This is 'New' Avengers why??
There are a couple of caveats, however.

#1, Wolverine et al didn't know any of this back in New Avengers #32...they (should have) still believed that Skrulls couldn't mimic powers.

#2, Bendis is telling us that these Skrulls got their powers and undetectability thanks to Skrull experiments on captured Illuminati back in New Avengers: Illuminati #1..and since that issue took place not long after the Kree-Skrull war, it is interesting that none of these new abilities were on display during the approximately 5,834 encounters since then between Earth heroes and Skrulls that took place since then. It is also interesting that the experimental information was not destroyed or lost during the destruction of 2 separate Skrull throneworlds and the Skrull empire being laid waste by the Annihilation Wave...

Still, it's clearly possible, so Kontinuity Kop apologizes. But I'll still be watching...and I hope that Bendis remembers to acknowledge that there's currently a Skrull civil war going on, with no consensus on whom should be Emperor, and you'd think an operation this big would need official sanction, or guidance, or approval.

Oh, and I should mention that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine already did this war with the shape shifters storyline, and the Federation being infiltrated by them, yada yada. You have a high bar set for yourselves, gentleman. Knotinuity Kop shall be watching.

PS Shouldn't Reed have still wanted to dissect and study the Skrullektra corpse, instead of just walking away a paranoid scaredy-cat? Man, Marvel writers have been making Reed Richards STUPID lately. Perhaps they should stop...

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