Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday Night Fights--Olsen Style!!

It's Olsen vs. Superman week here at Slay, Monstrobot, so we've got to keep the theme running, don't we? Of course we do!! So here's Jimmy Olsen kicking the living crap out of Superman!

Sound effects on loan from the Batman TV series
Boff! Whamo! Splatt (with two "T's"!) Krak! Thud! Oh, yeah!!!

OK, I'm obliged to note that a) It wasn't really Superman, it was a thug dressed up like Superman; and b) Jimmy was under the influence of Maximo's "psycho-gas."

But don't let that make you think that Jimmy can't hold his own!! Because when Jimmy finally gets his chance to take down Maximo, leader of Assassins Anonymous, he pulls the same ass-whooping:

French chicks dig violence!
Lesson: Don't mess with a red-head.

Hong Kong Bahlactus, number 1 Superguy has commanded, we all obey.

Jimmy's sound-effects laden fighting skills courtesy of Jimmy Olsen # 103. Don't make Olsen angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

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