Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Jughead Vs. The Joker!!

See, the Gotham City heroes, getting tired of being beaten up by Batman and company, have gone to find greener pastures to exploit--Riverdale!!

Siren's lovely voice has enabled the blackguards to control the adults, but the town's teenagers are immune to her charms.

So, the Joker has decided to try and brainwash the kid most likely (in his view) to join in his hijnks--Jughead!

But our dear Mr. Jones is...unimpressed.

Dude, Jughead's not a joiner...

From Archie Meets batman '66 #4 (2018)

1 comment:

  1. Uh, Cesar... I mean, Joker...

    ...It's not a 'jester hat.'

    I predict that your utter ignorance of what makes Forsythe P. Jones tick will be your undoing.
