Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Importance of Proper Typographical Alignment!!

It's time for some adventures with...

That's actual police detective, don't you know, not private.

Anyway, Lucky is hanging around a construction site (don't ask), when she finds a piece of paper that has blown out of an open window across the street.

Well! That's pretty important.

She disguises herself as a messenger girl, and goes to the office in question:

Ho ho, lawyer jokes are eternally funny!

But there doesn't seem to be a murder going on...

Ah, but there is a plot to commit a murder!

Using a machine gun to kill Mayor Murdock? (No, not Matt Murdock...)

Well, Lucky puts the kibosh on those plans!!

But where the hell did that paper come from?


Gee, if it weren't for the totally unnecessary and incorrect exclamation point, and the unconscionably poor text alignment of the first line, Lucky never would have been fooled into preventing a murder!!

And I'm the one who's not allowed to write comics?

From The Saint #1 (1947)


  1. I've got to say, most of the panels here and the story you relate makes it sound like a pretty bland old comic -- but I am 100% behind the comic that the panel with her on the wrecking ball seems to promise. Swashbuckling in a modern construction world while in your sexy yet still proper business casual outfit? Hell yes!

  2. Most of the Lucky Dale stories were, sadly, not nearly as swashbuckling...
