Monday, October 1, 2018

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--The Foldee Justice League!!

You are all too young to remember "Comic Book Foldees," a little toy/book thingie Topps put out to ensure they got the loose change from kid who weren't into baseball cards:

See, you'd tear the perferations between the top and bottom halves, and flip them around to create massive humorous half-and-half creatures, like thus:

Oh, Hal...

Siskoid did a whole series of these...and here's a collection of pictures of many, many more.

I bring this up because, while these may seem like flights of fancy, DC beat Topps to the punch (although doubtless someone else had the foldee idea years earlier). See, the Justice League is trying to save multiple planets, including Earth, from getting blown up by evil conqueror Kradd.

He uses a "molecular de-adhesion beam" to dissolve our heroes...

Well, that sucks.

But don't worry. Someone survived because of Gardner Fox science:


Fortunately, Green Lantern forgot to put a passcode on his ring, so anyone can use it. See, because maybe groggy super-heroes should be using it...?

You can say that again, Ray.

Foldees!! The Atom made Justice League Foldees!!

Fortunately, he gets Wonder Woman, and only Wonder Woman, right. I guess we can't have those girl parts getting mixed up with boy parts, can we?

But it's too late to fix the others...

Well, when you're a Justice Leaguer, the foldee situation is always half-full, not half-empty!

Yeah, but that's Kryptonian "waist-down," Hal!!

Woo hoo!!

The JLAers makes lemonade out of lemons, and tear up Kraad's fortress:

Even the unconscious Atom gets in on the fun. Since his body is immune, why not use it to plug the de-adhesion gun?

Pretty embarrassing, Ray...

Hey, you could have used that later!!

...and everything is back to normal!!

They really should have kept that de-adhesion device around. There are plenty of cool foldee power combinations they could have come up with!!

From Justice League of America #25 (1964)

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen that story before. Good imaginative use of the Atom as an essential character there. Still can't help thinking that Supes/Flash or GL/Supes should have torn themselves apart the first time they did a super-strength feat though.
