Friday, October 26, 2018

Bold Fashion Choices--Spider-Gwen!!

Usually, I use the "Bold Fashion Choices" to mock various costumes or clothing in comic books.

Today, though, straight up praise.

Spider-Gwen, or Ghost-Spider, or the Spider-Woman of Earth-65, or whatever you want to call her, has simply the single best costume design of the past 20 years. Yeah, I said it.

Now, I'm no Tim Gunn. So if you're going to ask me to explain in any specific detail why it works so well, I'm not going to be much help.

As designed by Robbi Rodriguez, it just plain works, better than any other costume in recent memory.

Part of it is the color scheme, fairly unique for any hero, especially in the way it uses--but doesn't overuse--the pinkish/purple/whatever you call it. As you can see from some of these pictures, it also opens up the palette for backgrounds, allowing a lot of color schemes that might not work as well with the usual Spider-Person red and blue.

The hood is also relatively unique for good guys, and less cowl-like than Moon Knight's--not so much hiding her mask, but contrasting it.
I can't say I'm a bug fan of the blue footies, but hey, most artists aren't going to draw the feet much, so...

Also, not to put too fine a point on it, this is one of the rare costumes for a female hero that doesn't hyper-sexualize its wearer, turning her into more of a sexy pin-up than an actual crime fighter.

So, Spider-Gwen. Freakin' great costume, no matter what you want to call her.

1 comment:

  1. I do not like the blue footies either. The rest of the costume is rather muted, with only a very few colors -- and then there are the baby blue footies. Too jarring.
