Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Skrull's Best Friend?!?

Of important note to xenoanthropologists:

No, no, you're not looking at the right place!

I mean, I get why you're distracted. That's gorgeous Gene Colan art there!

And it's fun to see Roy Thomas planting the seeds for the Kree/Skrull War, years before he even knew that's what he was dong.

No, look more closely:

Still don't see it? OK, zoom in one more time, Cambot!

The emperor of the Skrull Empire has a robot dog!!

Now, if you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. In a society where any organic being could be another Skrull in disguise, real live pets could be very dangerous. That harmless dog could actually be a spy or a thief or an assassin!! So, if you have to have a pet, mechanical is the way to go!!

[A fair question, of course, is if a Skrull can "see" or somehow detect a "disguised" Skrull in their presence. Can they be fooled by their fellow shape-shifters? Has this been answered anywhere???]

Regardless, even Skrull princesses love their mechanical dogs!

From Marvel's Space-Born Superhero! Captain Marvel #2 (1968)


  1. Can skulls be fooled by shapeshifters? I don't know. But I do know that the FF pretended to be disguised skulls in FF #2 and got away with it.

  2. Dangermash--True, but then again, that set of Skrulls was fooled by pages literally ripped out of a comic book, so maybe it's not a fair test?
