Monday, September 3, 2018

Manic Labor Day Triple Overtime--A Horse Is A Horse, Of Course, of Course!!

Look, criminals in the DC Universe may be a cowardly and superstitious lot, but everyday citizens there--especially the ones with money--are a stupid and gullible lot!!

The Shining Knight was quite popular in the day--no, really--so some scumbag con men have set up a scam involved the Knight's horse, Winged Victory:

So, wait--the guy pays for the horse without even taking a test ride for himself? Without even seeing the horse fly more than a few feet off the ground? And he carries $100,000 in cash around in a satchel?!?

Like I said, stupid and gullible.

How did the crooks pull this off?

OK, but surely there aren't any more rich idiots in this town, right?

OK, air polo would be freakin' sweet, I  have to admit.

But surely that's all the victims, right?

D'oh! You bastards!! I thought all con men secretly had hearts of gold!! You've lied to me, Leverage and Ocean's 11!!

It turns out this was all on the same day--which means Deadpan and his crew pulled in $310,000 for a few hours' work.

Of course, the victims soon found out the truth:

Yes, the guys are idiots...but you have to feel sorry for the poor kid, right?

Well, Sir Justin does!

I like to think that what Winged Victory meant to say there was, "Nay, I shall slay them and track their blood across the landscape with my hooves!!"

Anyhoo, he cons the con men...

That's gotta be even more humiliating than being dumped in front of the precinct covered in webbing!

Justin returns the money, and his visit cures the sick kid of his magical mystery disease...

 And it's one massive man-crush on Shining Knight and Winged Victory!!

What a man, indeed!

By the way, the art here is by Frank Frazetta...

From Adventure Comics #161 (1951), as reprinted in  Adventure Comics #417 (1972)

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